Associative Logic and Rational Contingency
[ associative logic and contingency as rational ] [ probability ] : Kn - k P=1 -K Kn=k*1...6
Kkn [ assertive self-ascribed instance ]
Kkn [ capitol expendiature volume ] [ time ]
Kkn [ immaterial perspective ] [ action ] [ time ] [ assertive polarity ]
Kkn [ human security optimism as a near-term financial loss ] [ ]
[ impact value as value creation, intentional implication ] [ bias ]
[ impact value as value creation, intentional implication ] [ bias ]
Kkn [ positive extension ] [ repression ] [ physiological elasticity ]
Kkn [ trust ] [ data ] -kn Kkn [ assertive self-ascribed instance ]
Kkn [ phenominological contagion ] [ verbatim ] [ node ]
Kkn [ curiosity ] [ inclusion ] [ accessible instance ] -kn [ curiosity ] [ instance ]
kn [ control structure] -kn [ optimum human security] [ probability] P=1 kn
{ constitutional fidelity }
{ constitutional fidelity }
KN - Kkn [ stable volition]
Kkn [ exafferrent harmony] [ biotic harmony] [ betrayal ] [ negative joy ]
Kn:n-kn-kn (P) [ introspection ] [ reflection ] [ conducive ]
[ negative human security as probability ]
Kn:n-kn-kn (P) [ introspection ] [ reflection ] [ conducive ]
[ negative human security as probability ]
Copyright 2019 Jordon James Wallace
This is not an official document
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