
Showing posts from January, 2019

Kth Distributions of Oblique Relational Systems in Possible ESM

Kth Distributions of Oblique Relational Systems in Possible ESM KN, Kn-kn : [  ]  Kn-kn = n 1..6 [zenith eigenvectors ][mixing][air][gravitational waves][modality][surface vegitation][soil] [particles][anthropogenic][non-anthropogenic] [zenith eigenvectors][grade][water][mineralization][runoff][zenith] [planet rotation][inertia][air] [intertidal life][polyspatial eigenvectors][mixing][modality] [melting surface][density][polyspatial elasticity] [fauna][respiration][polyspatial elasticity][modality] [snowcover][intermittant seasonal pressure][eigenvectors][modality] [fine lattice node][polyspatial transmission][behavior] [gravitational waves cosmology][consumption][zeitgeber][metabolism] [enterric recognition][modality][metacognition] [cosmology-astrobiology][modality][polyspatial elasticity][polyspatial transmission][water][air] [mixing][zenith eigenvectors][mixing][air][gravitational waves][modality][surface vegitation][soil] [fungus][foliage...

Potent Miasma

K, Nk-nk [constitutional purview] [additional nutrition] [price pressure][region] [economic negative] [singularity][potent miasma] [historical materialsim] [proto-facist][enstate policy] [intelligent design] [unity][community value][polarity as value] Copyright 2019 Jordon James Wallace This is not an official document

Ocean Heat Content: Quotation

Metrics of hurricane-ocean interaction: vertically-integrated or vertically-averaged ocean temperature? J. F. Price Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543, USA ..... The first ocean metric that took account of the subsurface ocean temperature, called upper Ocean Heat Content (OHC), was written down by Leipper and Volgenau (1972) almost forty years ago OHC(x, y) = ρoCp integral 0 - Z26 (Ti(x, y, z) − 26)dz, (3) and is today widely used in operational, hurricane forecasting (Goni and Trinanes, 2003; DeMaria et al., 2005; and see especially the informative, recent review by Mainelli et al., 2008). The leading factors, ρo=1025 kg m−3 and Cp=4.0×103 J kg−1 ◦C −1 are sea water density and heat capacity and the lower limit of integration is the depth of the 26◦C isotherm, Z26. The reference temperature, 26◦C, is an average (dry bulb) temperature in the subtropical atmospheric boundary layer and so Ti(x, y, z=0)−26 is a measure of the thermal disequ...

Intuitive Accuity

K, Nk-nk [intuitive accuity] [interpolate matter] [symmetry][identity] [culture] [nacent][intelligent design] [historical materialism][conquest] [systemic acumen][rent structure] [interpolate matter] [DSM][strategy][exculpitory] [secular humanism][inversion] [interpolate matter] Copyright 2019 Jordon James Wallace This is not an official document

Omnicient Lunch

K, Nk-nk  [omnicient lunch][enterric intelligence] [libor lending rate]  [hyperactive communists]  [thesbians practice the facewiggles]  [melt rate] [glaciers]  [real people do not eat cookies]  [polymolecule] [sentiment] [hypernetwork] [hypercube] [silicon nanostructures] [mythology as an excursion from truth] [attunement] [profit motive] [interpersonal unity] [field harmonics] 3 = x, [x - 1] [1/2 x]  [sour cream] [sardines]  [mussels] [pensive detente] [omnicient lunch][enterric intelligence] [stockholm syndrome] Copyright 2019 Jordon James Wallace This is not an official document

Blueberries and Change

K, Nkn-kn [vanilla beans][raindrops] [carrot cake][ingredients] [commodity price] [raindrops] [policy entrepreneurship][community value] [zeitgeber as a physical reciprocallity][neurophysiology] [constitutional economics][mathematical constraint] [cultural diplomacy][intentions toward wellbeing] [grass] [esthetics][reopoltik] [intentionallity and mutual effort] [blueberries][pocket change] [nacent][intuative accuity][hemisphere] [zeitgeber][interpolate matter] [polyester resin] Copyright 2019 Jordon James Wallace This is not an official document

Associative Logic and Rational Contingency

[ associative logic and contingency as rational ] [ probability ] : Kn - k P=1 -K   Kn=k*1...6 Kkn [ assertive self-ascribed instance ]  Kkn [ capitol expendiature volume ] [ time ]  Kkn [ immaterial perspective ] [ action ] [ time ] [ assertive polarity ] Kkn [ human security optimism as a near-term financial loss ] [  ]          [ impact value as value creation, intentional implication ] [ bias ] Kkn [ positive extension ] [ repression ] [ physiological elasticity ] Kkn [ trust ] [ data ] -kn   Kkn [ assertive self-ascribed instance ]  Kkn [ phenominological contagion ] [ verbatim ] [ node ] Kkn [ curiosity ] [ inclusion ] [ accessible instance ] -kn [ curiosity ] [ instance ] kn [ control structure] -kn [ optimum human security] [ probability] P=1 kn       { constitutional fidelity }   KN - Kkn [ stable volition] Kkn...

Interesting Links Stocks - Bloomberg Energy Multi-Criteria Analysis Tool - Energy Multi-Criteria Analysis tool - IIASA  Modeling Framework | PNNL: Fundamental & Computational Sciences - PRIMA [ externality and structure: causation  - information ] [ material risk disclosure, disclosure and energy integration,] [carbon disclosure as a contingency to investment inclusion ] [ time - financial integration and abrupt internal decisions, weight, aggregation, algorithm trading ] [ ownership allocation and risk exposure, indexes bundled risk ] [ sovereign wealth funds impact regional ] [ cognition inclusion asymmetrical information intern...

Charting Kth Wave Patterns as an Exercise in Attunement

Charting Kth Wave Patterns [Neurophysiology][Biomolecular Behaviour] [Universe as Manifold Selection][Pattern Attribute][Gravitational Waves - Traversal] [Rotation][Equilibrium][Associative as Biomolecular Cellular Recognition] [Zenith][Gravitational Waves][Eigenvectors] [Dermis][Sacred Articulation][Hands] [Water][Gravitational Modality][Mineral Saturation][Eigenvectors] [Atmospheric Saturation] [Zeitgeber as Neurophysiology - Position] [Universe as Manifold Selection] [Reflect Introspect - Reflexive][Action] [Peak Aggregate Economy][Stability][Duration][Nature] [Zeitgeber as Reflexive Recognition with Nature][Physiology] [Receptivity] Copyright 2019 Jordon James Wallace   This is not an official document