
Showing posts from December, 2018

Systemic Attribution

a. carbon impact cost b. prohibitive context c. discontinuation selection d. aggregate economic growth e. distributional uncertainty f. action potential emV Copyright 2018 Jordon James Wallace  This is not an official document


Referential Kth Clusters Human Security  i Kn-n = KN S/S. [natured equilibrium][nervosa][remediate][matter as memory] [natured equilibrium][aprehend][originate][universe][victimolgy][spiritus] [proximity][nervosa] [instability as a daunting advantageous -negative- propigator of aversion] [origination responds to universe - nature] [natured equilibrium][retirement of carbon sources][market approaches] [green bonds][domestic PV manufacturing - robotics][solar-storage] [near term abatement][shut down]    [reflexive-distended]    [negative deleterious assertive instance] [reflexive action - nervosa] [assertion] A//[macroporus polycrystalline nanostructures NBIC ][cognitive channel][truncation] A//[reactionary negative] NBIC Nanotechnology Biology Information Cognition [strategy - action potential - levels][error-optimum] [international inputs - carbon source displacement] [stability][timelines][global drought - rate of onset-index]...


OSF//DSNF//MITMORE-MMVLM [ DETRACTION ][ VOLITION OPTIMISM ] [ CULTURAL ASSIGNMENT ] [ REPULSION ] [ STEP PATTERN FOR CONSISTENT IMPROVEMENT ][ OPTIMISM ] [ GABBA ][ PLASTICITY ] [ OBLIQUE AND ANGULAR ][ LATERAL ][ TERNARY ][ QUATERNARY ] [ CAUSATION - EPISTEIME ] [ METALLICITY ][ EARTHBOUND ][ DEFENSIVE ][ SPATIAL ][ NURTURE ] [ EMERGENCE ][ CALCIFY ][ CORRECT - INCORRECT ][ RNA - MUTATION ] NSUserDefaults defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults ]; return [defaults boolForKey:BNREmptyDocKey ] Bioremediation [ Natural Attenuation and Biostimulation ] [ zeitgeber ][ gabba ][ plasticity ]  Binary logic in refusal of natural worth and exafferent spatial recognition. From: Jordon Wallace <> Date: Fri, Jul 6, 2018 at 12:44 AM Subject: Time Series for Impact Cost and IIASA CD-LINKS Dataset Good morning and here's to hoping this finds you sane and well rested. Thought I would reach out in hopes of some directi...